Restoration and completion of Piazza Matteotti
Project: Prof. Arch. Franco Zagari, Ing. Ferdinando Gabellini, Arch. Giovanni Laganà, Arch. Domenico Avati
2015 Delianuova (RC)
Planning starting from the structural skeleton - Work in progress
2015 Rocca di Neto (KR)
Planning starting from the structural skeleton - Work in progress
2015 Rosarno (RC)
Work in progress - Accorpamento Case a Schiera - ridistribuzione spazi interni
Crotone (KR) 2012
Interior renovation
2011 Rocca di Neto (KR)
Conversion office building in detached villa with garden of 1000mq
- Work in progress
2009 Roma
Interior renovation
2008 Santa Mariedda (OT)
New realizzazione- Townhouses - Designed with Arch. Francesco Mattiocco - under construction